Kuwait Calling: Project 180 Finds a Fan

This was in my inbox this morning. It rocked my world. I was so impressed by this young lady’s honesty and perspective. I am deeply humbled and flattered by her words. Already resolute in my desire to help change education, I am more resolved and inspired than ever to do what I can to make a difference. Thank you, Jordan. I needed this today.

Mr. Syrie,

My name is Jordan Lee, and just for a little bit of context, Mindy Barnes is my mom, who you went to High School with. I am a Senior this year in High School in Kuwait. 

When my mom first told me about your new approach to give all of your students As a few years ago, I was angry. She tried to talk to me about it, but I didn’t want to hear about it. I am one of those kids who works hard. Really hard. I work hard to earn the grades that I get. I automatically had sympathy for those in your class like me. So when she told me about this, I just thought “he doesn’t get it.” I didn’t think that you understood that students are lazy. If you just gave out As, students wouldn’t want to work and they wouldn’t want to apply themselves. It made me super frustrated. I thought about how I would NOT want to be a student in your class because if everyone got an A but not everyone earned an A, that would drive me crazy. 

Little did I know that I was the one who didn’t get it. 

A few days ago, she had me read a few blog posts that you wrote. I did not want to because I thought that I fundamentally disagreed with you. After battling her for months and months on it and finally ‘agreeing to disagree’, all of the sudden, it clicked for me. After thinking that you were a bad teacher who didn’t understand the education system or students, I realized something. 

You do get it. You are one of the only teachers who gets it.

You debunked the entire education system that we have. 

After reading more of what you wrote, I realized that you are one of the best teachers. I have finally understood the whole idea behind giving kids As. Not only do you care about students learning, you care about them applying it to their lives and not memorizing facts or pieces of information. You care about making sure students understand and become better people from the lessons that you teach. The whole education system is based upon grades so of course you had to give out grades to students. However that is not what is important. I have heard that for years, but now I finally get it. Yes, there is a big emphasis places on grades and GPA, but that is not what the emphasis should be placed on. We need to be more focused on the learning and application to our lives. 

However not only do I think you are amazing just for teaching about grades, but also the emphasis you put on learning and the positive classroom environment that you promote which creates a safe place that students come and want to learn. Your students trust you. 

As I have thought about teachers that I have loved, I have realized that I love the ones who love to help me learn. I love the ones who want to help me learn and succeed. Unfortunately, many of my teachers have fallen into the category of “teach, test, grade, done” where they teach the material, we take a test, they grade it based on if you know the material or you don’t and then that is the end. However, the teachers that are willing to take extra time and teach me and are concerned with my learning and not my grade have consequently been some of the most influential teachers for me, and I remember more material from their lessons because it is a part of me. 

I know this is what you have been trying to explain for years, but I finally got it, and I couldn’t love it more. Now I need to go back and read all of your blog posts because I am amazed at what you do and your thought process behind school and teaching. 

Thank you.


Jordan Lee


2 thoughts on “Kuwait Calling: Project 180 Finds a Fan”

  1. Keep up the great work Monte. Been swamped at school so haven’t been able to respond as much, but always a bright spot in my day reading your posts.

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