Let’s Dance: Project 180, Day 118

I’m not a good dancer. Would rather get a root canal than have to dance in public. Still remember–vividly, painfully–my first public appearance in 7th grade, 34 years ago, when Kelly Wright pulled me away from the wall, which I had been holding up all night, and onto the floor. Had no idea what to do, so I followed the crowd. Never did get it right. Awkward. Clumsy. Self-conscious. Ugh.

But, in a different sense, in a different way, in a different time, and on a different floor, I have learned some steps along the way, and even if I can’t cut a rug, I can move pretty well in the classroom. My kids have taught me to dance–so to speak.

Of course, I am not speaking literally here. I am not dancing with my kids. But I am not not dancing either, for it is choreographed, each requiring a different step, a different tune, a different beat. They lead. I follow, and as the year goes on, I learn the moves.

I know what a thumbs up means from S.

I understand why T passes each day in Smiles and Frowns.

I anticipate J’s fun fact each day as he grins his delight in sharing.

I know E has to draw; it’s her oxygen, so I let her breathe.

I know S has to help with something, anything, so I find her jobs.

I know M will begin every Performance with “I can’t” always to end with “I can.”

I know J’s sarcasm is love.

I know N’s just being here is a dance in itself.

I know, because they show, and I pay attention. And eventually, I come to know the subtle and not-so-subtle moves of each as we daily dance through our year. And then, the music stops, and they leave me behind, but not without, for they have left me better than I was with memories of moves that will make me a better partner for next year’s troupe when the dance begins again.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…connecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…taking control in writing through hooks and context.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…discussing Why with Sy.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Tuesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better. (and maybe dance a little along the way)

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