Time Be Damned: Project 180, Day 117

Time is a trickster, a mirage, a con. He lulls us into security with the promise of all the days ahead, and we enter into the year thinking we will reach far ends, distant lands with our kids. 180 days seems a lifetime in September. In March, it seems a blink, a mission impossible. Of course, when one considers kids first and content second, it only plays into time’s hands.

But I cannot help it. Are there things to get to, to cover? Impossibly. Is the state test coming up? Sadly. Lots to do. But there are kids in the room, too. And I am devoted to them, and, as such, there are times when that devotion is at odds with the calendar. We can plan content, but we, at best, can only predict kids. And even then, our predictions can only hit half the marks as kids and life take twists and turns that were not clear in the crystal ball.

And now with a mere 63 days ahead, I fret a bit about my choices this year. Should I have “contented” more and “kidded” less? What ends await? What will my kids take with them? Should I speed up? Should I push through the mountain pass even though it’s not clear? And though maybe I wonder and worry aloud, I am just making noise. I already know the answers. The voice in my head speaks clearly, “You will consider kids. Time be damned. He is but a construct. Your kids are real. They set the pace. They create the calendar. Listen to your kids.”

Of course, this “voice” may simply be a convenient rationalization for a guy who seems unwilling–maybe unable–to acquiesce to the dictates of time. But time tells lies. Doesn’t it? In all my “time” as a teacher, I have never found my experiences nor my kids marching uniformly to time’s drum, reaching the same place in the same way at the same time. Time is an impossible journey. We cannot keep up. But we try. I try. Every single year, I fall victim to time’s tempt, and I think maybe, just maybe, this will be the year that I keep pace. This year is not the year. Time be damned. Maybe next year.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will experience…

…reconnecting through Smiles and Frowns.

…considering and constructing an argument.

…reflecting in our Journey Journals.

…discussing Why with Sy.

…hearing a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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