Real Change: Project 180, Day 153

Sometimes I wonder, and sometimes I worry. Am I too flexible? Am I too lenient? Should I take a harder line with kids? Should I teach them the lessons of the real world?

The “real world.” I despise that term, especially when it’s used as a threat or an excuse for punitive practices, as if that releases the practitioner from all liability. They had no choice. The real world made them do it.

But they did do it, and in doing it, then, maybe they are only continuing the cycle. And maybe the cycle’s been spinning so long, we have forgotten where it began in the first place. Maybe it started with us. And even if it didn’t, maybe we are responsible for perpetuating punitive practices outside the classroom. Okay, probably not. But I do think “real” change can start with us. Maybe if we change the real, we can change the world.

Does the world shape education? Or does education shape the world?

Happy Monday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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