We to Us: Project 180, Day 154

Have we become “us?”

How do we know? When did it happen? How did it happen? Why does it matter?

I am going to ask my kids these questions today for our “Better Begins: A Community Conversation.”

This is something I’ve recently begun. We do it right after Smiles and Frowns. I have the question(s) written on the white board. I ask the kids to begin the discussion with their neighbors, and then I bring us back together as a class to discuss. I set my timer for six minutes–to keep us honest. And for the most part, we stick to it, but if there is energy, we keep it going.

Today’s question matters a great deal to me. I am perhaps being presumptuous, but Smiles and Frowns tends to have the “us” effect, so as such, I anticipate a “yes.” But I want to hear it from them. More, I want to hear their responses to the follow-up questions. Most, I want to leave them thinking about the implications of creating community–now and later. I hope “us” becomes a community habit.

Happy Tuesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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