Support Cycle (Targeting Teaching 1.2) Project 180, Day 173

Where are you in the support cycle?

I don’t believe in lines. I believe in circles. In fact, my work is predicated on the spin, on the cycle. Do, Reflect, and Do Better are spokes in a wheel, not signs on a line. Learning is a cyclical process.

And that belief is at the center of this latest circle spinning ’round in my head with Teaching Targets.

Today, I will support your experience with (insert standard) by meeting you where you are in your learning.

  • I will help you get started if you need a boost.
  • I will clarify the directions for you.
  • I will provide a reason(s) for why we are doing this.
  • I will provide examples for you.
  • I will model the process for you.
  • I will provide resources for you.
  • I will modify the task or provide an alternative.
  • I will provide feedback to get you through the process.
  • I will provide extra time.

I’m sure there are others that will come to mind as I build my support list for next year, a list (presented as a circle), which I imagine will have a permanent place on the wall of my room and the “walls” of my kiddos’ notebooks. And I imagine I will sit with them and ask them, “Where are you in the support cycle?” And they will have at their fingertips ways to ask for my support. And that is the crux of the Teaching Targets: my support.

I am still thinking my way through this, but this is the gist of where I plan to head with Teaching Targets next year.

Happy Tuesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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