Three-Letter Words: Project 180, Day 27


Little word. Big impact. Reminds me of the power we place in another three-letter word, “yet.”

Both, for their own part, play a role in our attempts to motivate students. Yet is the card we ask them to play when they experience challenges along the way. “I can’t do it. Yet.” And even if this is a little different perhaps than Dweck really intended, it’s a card that gets dealt time and again in classrooms all over with many believing it’s a magical card trick that transforms the learning experience for kids. Maybe.

But what about why? Why, though dealt far less, seems as important a factor to motivating kids in their learning experiences. If yet compels them to continue, then why presents a purpose to begin. But it seems we skirt around this a bit. Oh, many post a learning target each day. Some even post a purpose on the board. But I wonder if that’s enough–for kids. No doubt, whenever adults visit, they gush at such stuff. But what about kids? Do such things really motivate them to dig into the work? Are our answers to the the implied (most kids are afraid to ask) question, “Why are we doing this?” sufficient? Are they authentic? I am not convinced they are. And that lack of conviction has led me to challenge myself to think more deeply about and present more authentically to my kids the word “why.”

This was from my early-morning musing on Saturday. I want to do better with the “why” in our work, so this week I am going to challenge myself to present a “Screencastify why” for each and every task I ask this week. I am going to “look them in the eye and tell them why.”

And I am going to strive diligently to be authentic. For some things, I imagine I will not come up with a great answer. But when that happens, I am just going to tell the kids, “This is just a school thing. Out of this context it will matter little. It might add value to your growth with language, but it is not the be all, end all to your development.”

Yes, I know, and yes, I expect such honesty is likely to reduce completion of work. And yes, I know the focus here is motivation, but I also know that “dressing things up in learning targets and eduspeak” isn’t all that effective either. So, I am gonna try. I am gonna focus on why.

Happy Monday, all. Have a great week.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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