Walking Why: Project 180, Day 28

Yesterday was day one of #WhyWeek. I ended up calling it “Why, Sy?” for my kids. Below are the four “Why, Sy?” screencasts that I made to share “my why” for our work. The first is an introduction to “Why, Sy?” And the other three accompanied the three tASKs I presented to kids.

Unrehearsed and unscripted, they are a little rough and clunky. In truth, this was harder than I imagined it might be, and though scripting and practicing may have created a “better” product, I am not sure it would have been as authentic, which was/is my goal with these.

I wanted to share them this morning, not for their cinematic or pedagogical value, but rather, I wanted to share them to show that I try to walk my talk. Day two today of “looking them in the eye” and speaking a why for each tASK I present. My hope is to make this habit, then routine, then ritual. If I talk why, I have to walk why.

Happy Tuesday, all. Stay safe.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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