You Tell Me: Project 180, Day 25

“Am I learning?”

You tell me.

I am going to ask my kids to self-assess today. I am going to ask them to annotate their work, indicating where and how they met the provided criteria. I am going to ask them to evaluate their work, using our 3 point scale to provide a big picture judgment of their learning.

Their latest learning experience is a Performance that has asked them to consider “truths” from the human experience as revealed by a documentary we watched last week about the Holocaust (see below).

In my room, I want kids to feel empowered. And I believe part of that empowerment comes from giving them more responsibility and ownership of their learning. Are they more qualified than I to assess learning? I don’t know. From a professional standpoint, probably not. But from a personal standpoint, maybe. It’s their learning. Perfect solution to the challenges of grading? No. But, maybe by meeting somewhere in the messy middle, we’ll get closer to the truth.

So, I will pose the question: Are you learning?

I will give them a platform.

And then, I will listen.

Today’s Trail

Along today’s trail we will…

…begin with Smiles and Frowns.

…say our Mindset Mantra.

…speak about our learning (self-assessment).

…reflect in our Journey Journals.

…end with a Sappy Sy Rhyme.

Happy Wednesday, all.

Do. Reflect. Do Better.

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